Project Management & Manpower Supply


Projects are one-off pieces of work that are completed within a fixed timescale. They are undertaken to create unique products and services. They usually contain a great deal of risk, uncertainty, and complexity that needs to be managed.

There are a series of project management approaches and tools to help organizations and governments reduce these risks, and create an effective platform to deliver project objectives. These approaches have been carefully documented over the years and they can be learnt. Training in project management, especially one with a practical approach, can help participants gain the necessary knowledge and skills to appropriately utilize the project management tools and techniques to ensure success on their projects.

Our project management courses are in depth, practical and insightful. Our subject matter experts utilize relevant international and local case studies and scenarios to provide the highest quality learning experience available. Our consultants are dedicated to providing participants and organisations with the most useful and up-to-date information for the greatest return on their training investment. Our process is designed to meet all of the client’s learning objectives.

Our project management courses are two pronged. They help your team acquire skills that they can immediately deploy to their projects while preparing them for internationally accredited and recognized certification exams.

We are also able to provide qualified manpower for your projects across a broad range of subject matter areas. 

Working Hours
Monday – Friday 8.00 – 5:00 pm
Saturday closed
Sunday closed